Your Enterprise IPFS Client

A faster, more scalable IPFS implementation that will quickly and safely let your business meet it's data demands while still maintaining interoperability with the rest of the IPFS network.

With no dependencies on go-ipfs, TemporalX has been built from the ground up to be lean and efficient without sacrificing functionality.

  • Up to 10x Faster

  • Seamless Integration

  • Engineered For Growth

TemporalX Performance

As demonstrated by our benchmarks, TemporalX has consistent and predictable performance regardless of your workload. When leveraging the gRPC benefits, TemporalX can be up to 10 times faster than go-ipfs. When not leveraging gRPC benefits performance is 2-3 times faster than go-ipfs.

Features & Compatibility

TemporalX's gRPC API is compatible in a wide variety of languages, including Golang, Python, JavaScript, Java, and more. The gRPC and protocol buffer definitions are open-source, which allows you to integrate with any project easily.

  • Forked Optimized Libraries

  • Multi-Datastore Capabilities

    Leverage multiple datastore types for different components, allowing you to take full advantage of your hardware.

    For example, you can leverage badger for your blockstore datastore, while leveraging leveldb for your peerstore datastore. You can then leverage a pebble datastore for your DHT.

  • S3 on Top IPFS

    By changing the S3 endpoint your application uses, S3X will allow you to use IPFS immediately. Only a single line change is required to achieve full IPFS capabilities seamlessly. Stream videos, host dynamic websites, build an FTP server and much more.

  • Reference Counting Not Pinning

    Spend seconds counting references, not hours walking DAGs.

  • Flexible Configurations

    All systems are optional, ensuring you only run the services you need when you need them. You can disable/enable systems such as pubsub, and IPNS anytime at the click of a button.

  • TemporalX Dedicated Features

    We will continue to release new functionalities specific to TemporalX. Your node will be able to simultaneously run in two or more different IPFS networks relaying data in between.

  • TemporalX standard license price of $299US (Bulk pricing available).
  • 3 Nodes that operate for life.
  • 1-year license to upgrades and new features as rolled out.
  • Technical Support - 12 Hours/Day Monday to Friday, hours of operation: 11am- 11pm PDT/PST.
  • Subject to change (existing clients license will not be effected without consent).